Wednesday, 17 July 2013

Monitoring Services of a Listener

The SERVICES command of the Listener Control utility provides detailed information about the services and instances registered with a listener and the service handlers allocated to each instance.
The SERVICES command generates output with the sections described in Table 10-3.
Table 10-3 Listener Control Utility SERVICES Command
Output Section
Identifies the registered service
Specifies the name of the instance associated with the service

The status field indicates if the instance is able to accept connections.
·         A READY status means that the instance can accept connections.
·         A BLOCKED status means that the instance cannot accept connections.
·         A READY/SECONDARY status means that the is a secondary instance in an Oracle Real Application Clusters primary/secondary configuration and is ready to accept connections.
·         A RESTRICTED status means that the instance is in restricted mode. The listener blocks all connections to this instance.
·         An UNKNOWN status means that the instance is registered statically in the listener.ora file rather than dynamically with service registration. Therefore, the status is non known.
Identifies the name of the service handler. Dispatchers are named D000 through D999. Dedicated servers have a name of DEDICATED.
This section also identifies the following about the service handler:
·         established: The number of client connections this service handler has established
·         refused: The number of client connections it has refused
·         current: The number of client connections it is handling, that is, its current load
·         max: The maximum number of connections for the service handler, that is, its maximum load
·         state: The state of the handler:
- A READY state means that the service handler can accept new connections.
- A BLOCKED state means that the service handler cannot accept new connections.
Following this, additional information about the service handler displays, such as whether the service handler is a dispatcher, a local dedicated server, or a remote dedicated server on another node.

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